Accuracy Optimization of Liquid Ink Automatic Filling Machine Using Fuzzy Control

  • Rian Wiranto Swiss German University
  • Widi Setiawan Swiss German University
  • Henry Nasution Swiss German University
Keywords: liquid filling system, ink, pneumatic, on/off, PID, fuzzy logic control


In ink manufacturing, the important last step of the production is the filling of the packaging. This filling process has to consider some factors such as accuracy, speed, compatibility with hazardous area and cleanliness, because this relates to productivity, product loss and safety. The manual process can't cover most of those situations. Implementation of an auto-filling machine as a form of transition from manual has to consider many factors because most ink industries use flammable materials, which the machine on there should compatible with hazardous areas. This research came out with a proposed model of a filling liquid machine by using a pneumatic system which compatible for hazardous area and applying fuzzy logic as the control. Evaluate and compare the fuzzy logic performance with On/Off and PID is done in research as well.
