Design Improvements to reduce Chili Paste Production Time Using an Automatic Transfer System

  • Angga Widi Fitriyanto Swiss German University
  • Dena Hendriana Swiss German University
  • Hanny J Berchmans Swiss German University


In Indonesia, a well-known American food and beverage corporation is expanding. A new product will be introduced, and production will expand. The production process still employed a manual approach and reported takes time. According to the actual data, the manual technique takes 29 – 46 minutes, depending on the amount and condition of human resources. As a result, the manufacturing process requires an automation solution to boost capacity for newer and existing items. In today's industrial world, PLC and HMI controllers are widely used. Flowmeters will operate as sensors to speed up and control the automatic transfer process, while automatic valves and pumps with variable speed controllers (VSD) will act as actuators. This system's sensor and actuator can also be coupled with coarse and fine-dosing methods to ensure precise transfer. To reduce manual handling and thus increase transfer capacity, all transfers are integrated into sanitary pipelines. Testing was conducted and the new automatic transfer system can cut the production processing time by 8 – 25 minutes.
