Routine Monitoring DCC CMM using Laser Interferometer

  • Paulus Agung Krismantara Swiss German University
Keywords: DCC CMM, Accuracy, Laser Interferometer, Confident


Manufacturing deals with the high quality product due to the accuracy which produced by measuring machines. In other case, the performance of regular diagnostic of measuring machine should be maintained to aim confidence and reliability in the measurements result. One of the equipment that can reach high accuracy is Direct Computer Control Coordinate Measuring Machine (DCC CMM). The accuracy of DCC CMM is a critical factor that affects result of product measuring. Operator need the higher accuracy machine to maintain the DCC CMM Performance and the consequent of the machine should has better accuracy than the DCC CMM accuracy itĀ self. One of that tool is laser interferometer which has better accuracy than DCC CMM specification and produce the data and can be analyzed for DCC CMM performance. The consistent performance of the DCC CMM is constrained by the errors that brought by the machine error that occurs on a periodic basis on the account of machine usage, machine age and operating temperature. DCC CMM accuracy was compensated and improved by identifying the machine condition. This condition also applicable for predict the machine errors.
