Monitoring Heavy Equipment Coolant Temperature to Prevent Engine Overheat Using IoT

  • Robi Tubagus Yuni Swiss German University
  • Dena Hendriana Swiss German University
  • Cuk Supriyadi Ali Nandar Swiss German University
Keywords: bulldozer, engine overheat, monitoring, IoT, Blynk


All heavy equipment, including bulldozers, are expected to always be ready to operate and have maximum performance. However, there are still many bulldozers that have problems, one of which is engine overheating. This overheating can be caused by a reduced amount of coolant due to a leak or an inappropriate cooling fan rotation speed due to a loose fan belt. This study aims to monitor and provide early warning of rising coolant temperature along with the possibility of reducing the amount of coolant and decreasing the cooling fan rotational speed. This research was conducted by developing monitoring and warning devices, apart from being known by the operator, it can also be known by the maintenance department in a different place with the use of IoT. The result of experiment shows that condition of the high temperature engine coolant, reduced amount of coolant, and reduced cooling fan rotational speed, can be immediately known by operators and the engine speed can be automatically set to the medium range when abnormality in cooling system occurs, according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This condition of cooling system can also be known by other parties used Blynk application.
