Monitoring of Thermostat Performance In Heavy Equipment Diesel Engine Cooling System Using An Ultrasonic Flow Meter

  • Setyo Haryadi United Tractor
  • Dena Hendriana Swiss German University
  • Henry Nasution Swiss German University
  • Gembong Baskoro Swiss German University
Keywords: ultrasonic flow meter, thermostat, coolant flow, cooling system, diesel engine, heavy equipment


Heavy equipment uses diesel engines as the main power source. Common problem in diesel engines is engine overheat condition and the cause of this problem can come from thermostat failure. Diagnosis of the thermostat when problem occurs in the diesel engine cooling system requires a long time. This study aims to determine the condition of the coolant flow and monitor thermostat performance while engine is running so thermostat failure can be detected earlier. In this study, an ultrasonic flow meter to measure coolant flow rate in the diesel engine cooling system was developed and the measurement is displayed for monitoring the condition of thermostat. The monitoring system has been installed and the results showed significant relationship between the coolant flow rate and the performance of the thermostat. This monitoring system can show that when the thermostat is in normal condition and when the coolant temperature reaches 80oC, it is detected that the coolant flow rate from the engine block to the radiator increases significantly.
