Implementation of Microcontroller in Lubricant Viscosity Measurement Tool

  • Stenli Octavian Eridheni Polman Astra
  • Henry Nasution Swiss German University
  • Hanny J. Berchsman Swiss German University
Keywords: viscosity, viscosity measurement tool, mechatronics, falling ball method


Viscosity Measurement Tool is a measuring instrument model used to measure the viscosity of a liquid and in this case is a lubricant. The Viscosity Measurement tool is equipped with a mechatronic system that uses a free-falling steel ball to measure the viscosity of the lubricating oil. This study uses research and development methods, namely the research methods used to produce and test the effectiveness of these products. In this project, the Arduino Mega microcontroller is used as a controller to measure the fall of the ball from the top to the bottom of the tube; the sensor will detect the ball in the tube where the sensor will activate and turn off the time. The ball travel time data that has been stopped by the sensor system on the Arduino Mega microcontroller is then entered into the viscosity time value on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen. The lubricants to be measured are multigrade lubricants commonly used by Pertamina Shell Tellus S3 M 46, Shell Tonna S2 M 68, Pertamina RORED EPA 90 in the laboratory maintenance area. The results of this study are close to accurate and stable values.
