Reducing Downtime of Extruder Machine Using Plan Do Check Action and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Methods in Indonesia Leading Tire Manufacturing

  • Bagus Prasetyo Swiss German University
  • Gembong Baskoro Swiss German University
  • Henry Nasution Swiss German University
Keywords: downtime, extruder machine, PDCA, FMEA, seven tools


PT Tire Manufacturing Indonesia Tbk is the largest tire company in Southeast Asia. The company has a problem of high amount of downtime in the extruder machine. Extruder machine is a production machine that produces the tread of the tire. The amount of downtime caused by machine failure will reduce the quantity and quality of the product, so it will adversely affect competition between similar companies. The total of downtime per month is around 17.8 hours, then the potential production loss will be 3900 treads per month or equivalent to IDR.1,400,000,000. Therefore, this study aims to reduce the amount of downtime by implementing the PDCA cycle, seven tools and the FMEA method. The results showed that the downtime problem in the extruder machine 4 (ATE-4), especially in the skiver section can be minimized by using the PDCA, Seven Tools and FMEA approaches. The results of the improvements that have been made show that there is a decrease in downtime in the skiver section of the extruder machine from an average of 796 minutes per month to 30 minutes for the last 2 months.
