Improving Talent Performances by Using Integrated Learning Development Program in Indonesia Leading Heavy Equipment Distributor

  • Ahmad Anwari Swiss German University
  • Edi Sofyan Swiss German University
  • Sumarsono Sudarto Mercu Buana University
  • Gembong Baskoro Swiss German University
  • Dena Hendriana Swiss German University
Keywords: talent, integrated development, performance management, competency development, talent map


The purpose of this research is to improve talent performance through an integrated development program to nurture and increase company competitiveness. Research is carried out by identifying problems and analyzing the factors that affect talent performance and then designing a system to fix the existing problems. From the analysis of existing data, we find that improving talent performance requires a comprehensive approach. From this research we can also conclude that an integrated learning system is very effective in increasing competence and talent performance. The combination of formal and informal learning, theory and practice provides an effective learning system.
