A Study on Sensible Excise Policy by Considering Acceptable Industry Volume, Government Revenue and Employment for Hand Made Kretek Cigarettes

  • Iwan Kendarwan Kaldjat Swiss German University
  • Aditya Tirta Pratama Swiss German University
  • Dena Hendriana Swiss German University
Keywords: excise, SKT (hand-made clove cigarette), SKM (machine-made kretek cigarette), SPM (machine-made white cigarette), system dynamics


Tobacco industry in Indonesia has been contributing to Indonesia Economy and is currently contributing to the government revenue in the range of 8% – 9%. During the past 5 years the government has increased excise higher than inflation, and in 2019 the increase is the highest in the history of the tobacco industry. Due to the excessive increase, the excise department has predicted the decline in industry volume of 15% in 2021 (this study was done, before the decline released by the government). The purpose (objective) of the thesis is to study a scenario on how to balance: government revenue, industry volume and employment. System dynamics is used as methodology to analyze a complex policy situation. The methodology translates correlation among all the aspects that influenced the policy (Government Revenue, Employment, and Industry Volume) and being used in this thesis. The study has found that for handmade cigarettes (SKT), the government has implemented over-protective policy that expected to give positive impacts the segment. The Machine-made segments (SKM and SKM) are impacted by the over-protective policy. The industry sustainability will be impacted by over protection policy for SKT, considering impact to the other segments. SKT is only 20% of the market share.
