Energy & Environment in MedcoEnergi:4 Times Maintained Gold PROPER Award

  • Erwin Susanto Sadirsan
  • Firda Fadhilah
  • Ratna Eka Putri
Keywords: Gold PROPER, Medco Energi, Environmental Excellence, Community Development


The Corporate Performance Rating Program or PROPER is program of the Ministry
of Environment of Republic Indonesia that is packed up in the form of surveillance activities
toward companies to achieve environmental excellence. The PROPER awards aim to drive
companies to comply to environmental regulations and achieve environmental excellence
through the integration of sustainable development principles in production and services, the
implementation of environmental management systems, 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle) of solid
waste and hazardous and toxic waste, energy efficiency, resource conservation, bio-diversity
protection, and conduct ethical business responsibly through community development
programs. Gold is the highest rank in PROPER award, which is dedicated for production
processes that have consistently demonstrated environmental excellence and responsibly
towards society. MedcoEnergi has awarded Gold PROPER repetitively since 2011 until 2014.
According to it, this paper examines: (1) what are criteria’s needed to hold Gold PROPER (2)
what are programs did MedcoEnergi run to fulfill PROPER criteria. This review also
summarizes new insight and understanding of (1) PROPER role as platform to maintain
environment sustainability and community development (2) the importance of integrated
aspects as environmental excellence manifestation.
