Business Model Canvas Analysis and Development for Herry Furniture

  • Priskila C. Rahayu Pelita Harapa University
  • Natalia Hartono Pelita Harapan University
  • Chrisda Agustina Pelita Harapan University
Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Balanced Scorecard, SWOT Analysis, E-Commerce


Investable, revolution industry 4.0 that is based on integration of the online world, has an impact on all business sectors. It also felt by Herry Furniture, which is still sells office furniture conventionally. The company needs to improve its service and business models in
order to stay competitive. The company needs to improve connectivity interaction and communication with customers. For that we have done the analyze and develop The company’s
business model canvas. To find the appropriate strategy, it will be developed by using SWOT analysis that analyze current business model canvas. The strategy obtained is using website as media for sales. This is supported by doing feasibility study (using TELOS) that value 8.4. After that, there is an analysis of business development’s success by using balance scorecard method. It is said that the strategy effectively allows to improve the measurements of each choice in business model canvas to meet organization’s goal. The sales also increased up to average 12.8% each month compared to sales using website and store. This strategy is then applied to
company’s business model canvas which resulting development on its three pillars which are key partners, key activities, and channels.
