Measuring Quality of Service for Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) gen 2 Application by Telkomsigma using SERVQUAL

  • Rosmawati Dwi Swiss German University
Keywords: SERVQUAL, Service, Expectations, Quality


A service based company has to realize that quality of service and customer satisfaction is a major aspect of the continuity of company’s business. It is important for a service company to maintain the satisfaction of their customer. To measure quality service of company like Telkomsigma as one of service based company, we use SERVQUAL. SERVQUAL as an effective and proven approach use to analyze the gaps between customer expectations with the perceptions that indicate the customer satisfaction of Telkomsigma’s services especially in Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) gen 2. From the research analysis below, we get 92.67 % of SERVQUAL percentage, which means the satisfactory of RTGS gen 2 is very hi gh.
