Health 4.0: body management for autoimmune using instant messaging technology. Case Study: Autoimmune

  • R. Djajasoepena Swiss German University
  • T. Rachmatika Swiss German University
Keywords: Instant Messaging, Autoimmune, Quality of Life


Autoimmune disease is caused by our immune systems that attack our body. The autoimmune patients are treated by doctor that is specialized in neurology. The doctor will only give them some treatment to maintain the condition of the patient. Every patient has different body condition therefore the doctor treatment is different to manage each patient condition. It is important for the doctor to pay attention give different treatment to each patient depend on the autoimmune they have, and the patient condition. One of the method in monitoring patient condition is by doing frequent communication with the patient, so the body condition of patient can be controlled. In recent years, there are many kinds of technologies that the doctor can use to
communicating with patients. One of the technology is instant messaging. The authors will
conduct a descriptive research on how instant messaging can help the doctor and autoimmune
patients managing the quality of life by using questionnaire and analyzing the result.
